
before & after

I edit in Lightroom mainly these days, but this edit was done in Photoshop Elements 8, this is a powerful and affordable editing program :) I highly recommend it!

For this image, the sun was at her back dipping below the hills around 7pm, I've exposed for her face allowing the sky behind her to overexpose. Settings were: f/1.8, ss 1/640, iso 250

in PSE8:
duplicated the layer (ctrl+J)
put in blending mode Multiply
lowered opacity to 20% and erased from subject
merged layers, then duplicated again
put in blending mode Soft Light
lowered opacity to 40%
used Dodge tool on eyes/face just a touch to add a little light

that's it!
left is straight out of camera (SOOC) and right is the after edit :)
all images copyright krystle ipsen | photography - do not copy, download, edit, crop or email in any way without permission.

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