
30 days of thankfulness: day 2 | Hidden Valley Lake CA photographer

today I am so thankful for perserverence. and courage.

Tonight was Caden's soccer party and awards. He played soccer for the first time this year and getting out there on the field for the games wasn't always easy for him. Actually it was hard, really hard. Most games he couln't bring himself to play, but toward the end of the season something changed. We talked a lot to him about trying, about feeling fear but having the courage to sit with that feeling and move forward anyways. Then finally he played. I can't believe how much fun he had when he finally got out there. It was tough for all of us at times to just sit on the sidelines while he was upset, not wanting to particiate. But, I get it. I've been there.  We pushed through, and this trophy never felt more deserved. I'm so proud of him!  I hope every time he sees his trophy he feels the same.

I should also add that I'm thankful for an excellent and patient coach, and that the team parents didn't complain when I had to sit with Caden in the team photo ;) 

to see Jodi's take on day 2 click here

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