
fifty-two: 5.52

I am participating in a 52 week creative project this year. My goal is to follow the themes given by the group I'm working with each week and to have each theme translate to a non-human subject. It will take me out of my element of people photography and challenge me a bit to find new subjects and present them in a creative way. I haven't blogged about the other 4 weeks (since I've been a slacker blogger, and I'm not even going to attempt to catch up) but here is week 5. The theme was "white" and oh how refreshing it was. It even inspired me to revamp my logo just a touch. I've felt like it was missing something. After countless days at work signing my initials to stuff "kli... kli... kli..." it hit me, that's what's missing! Soft and simple. So here is it, week five: white, and my logo just a wee bit better than before :)

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