
kathy + jake = hailey | maternity | cobb/lake county ca newborn photographer

Last week we had some crazy weather.  A snow storm blew through out little town and left us in tatters.  Four days without power and a couple feet of snow later
meet Kathy + Jake...

they are waiting on something very special

and thanks to their willingness to help me get to the location (since I am very unconfident in my ability to drive my husband's truck) we were able to capture the memory of their first pregnancy in the snow


I am so looking forward to meeting baby Hailey!! (and I'm sure they are too)


fifty-two: 5.52

I am participating in a 52 week creative project this year. My goal is to follow the themes given by the group I'm working with each week and to have each theme translate to a non-human subject. It will take me out of my element of people photography and challenge me a bit to find new subjects and present them in a creative way. I haven't blogged about the other 4 weeks (since I've been a slacker blogger, and I'm not even going to attempt to catch up) but here is week 5. The theme was "white" and oh how refreshing it was. It even inspired me to revamp my logo just a touch. I've felt like it was missing something. After countless days at work signing my initials to stuff "kli... kli... kli..." it hit me, that's what's missing! Soft and simple. So here is it, week five: white, and my logo just a wee bit better than before :)


camel shoes

So, I am trying to be a better blogger (I am, I really am!). On Mondays I get to hang out with the boys and we were getting ready to go visit my sister. I asked Caden to put his shoes on and he did. I know this story isn't fascinating yet, but it gets better. Turns out his shoes of choice that day were flip flops with socks!! oh. yes. he. did. I told him he couldn't wear them because he looked like a camel. Apparently that made it more fun for him!! haha! "Mom, I want to look like a camel!" I couldn't help but grab the camera to remember this silly Monday when Caden insisted on looking like a camel. Of course Conor wanted to get in on the act, so his little tootsies were captured too. Oh these little joys are so sweet! (and yes I let him wear those flip flops!)