
film, and the art of remembering

Three years ago my dad passed away.  We celebrate his life every year.  He taught me so much in the way he lived those last few years, and through his death.  To not be concerned with possessions because you can’t take them with you.  To do what you want to do now because life is short.  I remind myself each day how quickly life passes by.  Although it is difficult and something I am forever working towards, I try to remember to live in each moment and be present.  I think this sums it up best: 

“Your absence has gone through me 
Like thread through a needle. 
Everything I do is stitched with its color.”   W.S. Merwin

Each year we celebrate at the beach where we spent many family vacations and each year we luck out with the most delightful weather.  I took on his love for photography after he passed, and recently delved into the beauty that is film.  Here’s how we spent our day together this year, flooded with peacefulness, and carrying along my Nikon f100 with some Fuji pro 400h film:

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