
did you know...

Did you know… I am studying to become certified? I know, you've probably never heard of it (admittedly I hadn't until recently), but photographers can become Certified Professional Photographers through the PPA (Professional Photographers of America). I thought this would be a great way to expand and test my skills. The certification process takes places over a long span including passing of an examination and judgment of 20 images by a panel of professional master photographers. (!) So, I have some work ahead of me. Why become certified? Obviously it is not a requirement to be certified to be a photographer. Although a popular style of photography right now is "lifestyle" giving a more relaxed feel, the fundamentals of photography never change. Knowing these fundamentals is essential for longevity in the business and evolving as the styles of photography evolve. So stay tuned - hopefully over the course of the next year you will see me taking steps toward examination and image submission!

Also, I would like to thank all of you who allowed me to practice on you while getting all the business ends together! If you run your own business you know what a thing it is to get it all in place and figure out the start-up and ongoing costs of doing business. Now I am officially up and running, so thanks again for all your support!

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