
Brothers | {child photography}

This morning I had the great pleasure of photographing two little men, Mr. Joshua and Mr. Joey. We really wore them out with photos! Joshua showed up with his new 'do, done all by himself! How cute is that? (Although, I've learned a valuable lesson not to turn my back on a razor after a hair cut LOL). Joey loved the bubble gun, which was a great idea brought by mom & dad. I hope they gave you a great nap after all that photo chasing! :) Here's a quick couple of my favorites:

I have to say, this little cutie gave me one of my all time favorite photos EVER -

Joshua gave me many serious faces, he's pretty cute too!


did you know...

Did you know… I am studying to become certified? I know, you've probably never heard of it (admittedly I hadn't until recently), but photographers can become Certified Professional Photographers through the PPA (Professional Photographers of America). I thought this would be a great way to expand and test my skills. The certification process takes places over a long span including passing of an examination and judgment of 20 images by a panel of professional master photographers. (!) So, I have some work ahead of me. Why become certified? Obviously it is not a requirement to be certified to be a photographer. Although a popular style of photography right now is "lifestyle" giving a more relaxed feel, the fundamentals of photography never change. Knowing these fundamentals is essential for longevity in the business and evolving as the styles of photography evolve. So stay tuned - hopefully over the course of the next year you will see me taking steps toward examination and image submission!

Also, I would like to thank all of you who allowed me to practice on you while getting all the business ends together! If you run your own business you know what a thing it is to get it all in place and figure out the start-up and ongoing costs of doing business. Now I am officially up and running, so thanks again for all your support!


Four Kids | {family photography}

These kids are all so beautiful! I had a great time photographing them.

Sawyer | {baby photography}

Sawyer came for a playdate, but she can never escape photos! She's just so sweet!

Skiles Family | {family photography}

I got a chance to take photos of this beautiful family. They were sure great at saying "cheese!"

Cousins in the park | {child photography}

These cousins love each other so much. It was great to hang out and watch them be really goofy together!