The other day I sat at my desk and I found myself in a fleeting moment of grief. I had to take a moment, to close my eyes, to hang my head, to sigh a deep sigh and then… I heard myself ask myself my god, how do we go on? How do I go on from here? you see, grief is just erratic, and no matter how much I scheduled a day to be sad, sadness did not come that day. It came when it needed to. Last week, we celebrated my dad's life. Two years ago last Saturday he passed away. I suspect forever I will find myself in these little moments, these lump in the throat, sick to my stomach moments and asking the same thing, how do I go on from here? how do I pick up the pieces and continue my day?
I looked up slowly to my computer, and I saw this:
and a little voice inside me said
love. You go on in love, with love.
I hope you feel loved today.