
sunshine | hidden valley lake photographer

As I grow and change in my photographic journey I have started to ask myself with each session, how am I telling a story with these images? What is significant about this day? Monday was no exception. We met up after what felt like endless days of rain to enjoy a piece of sunshine together. Oh goodness, did I love seeing that sunshine. This session was special, shot on the family's property and incorporating all the places and things the kids are familiar with there. Including their dogs :) who stood by to check out what I was doing. What can we remember about this day together? The sun was shining, the dogs played in the creek behind me, baby D's sweet perfect curls, and J's smooth beautiful colored hair with pink and black feathers (which i have to admit I'm a little jealous of, my hair is a frizzy mess on most days). The tire swing. Papa's stuff in the background. J's pink cowgirl boots with worn toes from so much love. And Max. J's buddy, who sleeps with her every night and follows her everywhere.
You should also know that J is a really fast runner, even in her boots she out ran me :)


just be.

There are blackbirds who gather in large groups in our neighbors bare fruitless mulberry. Conor squeals and points every time he sees them. I have to admit, I get a little giddy myself at his excitement. There is something about seeing everything new and with fresh excitement through him. The world is full of wondrous sights and sometimes I get so busy that I forget to stop and look around.

to smell the air.

to warm myself in the sunshine.

to just be.

This is a constant struggle for me. There is always at least 15 things waiting to be done. These boys are only small for an instant. and they are full of giggles.

yesterday, I didn't do laundry. I played tag.