
Welcome baby V | {newborn photography}

This little sweet guy was already 3 weeks old, but still oh so tiny!


a beautiful day! | {family photography}

We've had some beautiful weather and got outside to do some family photos! Aren't they cute?

baby brother | {baby & child photography}

Time to get caught up on the blog...
Last weekend I got to practice with an indoor backdrop set up using natural light. Here are a few of my favorites from the session.


Juilliard Park, Santa Rosa | {Family Photography}

My friend told me about this great park near her house and we took a trip there to do some family photographs. Of course the weather was beautiful all week until Saturday! It was freezing and ready to rain, but we still managed to get some cute shots! Here are a few of my favorites.

my blog has been neglected...

sorry! I've been getting things together on the business side and haven't had much time to spend here. ;( hopefully I will soon have my sea legs, or my land legs (I'm not sure which way I'm going here!) and will be able to keep up with posts more. For now, I haven't had time to write any more tutorials/camera tips, but hopefully they will be back soon!
In the meantime check out my band new website: www.krystleipsenphotography.com